On Tuesday, Whitman held an all-hands assembly of HP personnel to deliver the “news” that the business will be taking in its judgement on webOS in the subsequent small proportion weeks. If HP decides to savethe division, she contentions that the business is “going to do it in a veryvalued way through a multi-year period,” reports The Verge. A lineageconfirms that HP didn’t report a judgement at the meeting.
HP paid for Palm for $1.2 billion terminal year in an offer to become more relevant in an increasingly mobile world. Thebusiness doubled down on its money with the HP TouchPad and the Palm Pre 3. However, both tools underperformed andearlier HP CEO Léo Apotheker decided to shut down the division.
After a series of missteps, Apotheker was compelled out and replaced with Whitman, eBay earlier CEO who speedilytransmitted that the business would re-evaluate the judgement of whether to sell webOS.
The assembly becomes visible arranged to pay for HP more time to warehouse Palm’s supplies around. If HP can pinpoint a suitor that is willing to compensate the price it trusts, afterward the business will sell the division. If nobody is willing to do that, afterward Whitman becomes visible to be arranged to give webOS and the TouchPad a second chance. She conveyedpersonnel at the assembly that the business would strengthen on capsules instead of smartphones if it decides to savewebOS.