It was Apple, which made touchscreen based devices so popular that almost all the smartphones and tablets are now relying on the medium. Now, the Cupertino based company is all set to make the next iPhone 5 a hands-free device by integrating its next revolutionary voice based command interface via newly acquired company called Siri.
Apple took over a company named Siri in late last April, which clearly suggested that the iPhone maker is planning to introduce a new and alternative control that wiil be hands-free. According to the reliable sources, the iOS 5 is going to get Siri integrated as a core feature, and it is coming sooner than you expect. The post published on 9to5Mac has the screenshot of the “Assistant” feature coming integrated with the next iOS 5 firmware update.
The screenshot of iOS 5 Siri is accompanied with the iOS SDK’s hidden code describing voice based control of the iPhone’s location, contact list, and song metadata. The code unearthed by 9to5 mac also highlights “speaker” feature, which opens the door for further Nuance integration in the future Apple devices.
However, the assistant feature is currently in testing phase only, and may not be ready for the for Apple’s iPhone 5 releases. You can read more on the iOS 5 Siri integration by clicking over the link given below.