
Steve Jobs: 1955 – 2011

Steven Paul Jobs, the co-founder and head individual of Apple, past away Wednesday at the age of 56.

Born in San Francisco in 1955, Jobs increased up beside Cupertino, Calif. After assisting Reed College in Portland for one semester (and auditing categories for free for some more), Jobs took a job at Atari, conceiving circuit boards. In 1976, Jobs co-founded Apple with Steve Wozniak.

The two juvenile men begun out with a couple of 1000 dollars in money and a dream of altering the world. Over the course of the past 35 years, the business and Jobs have gone on to change the world, the individual computing commerce, the melodies and movie commerce and the wireless commerce as we know.

Apple issued its first mass-market merchandise, the Apple II in 1976. The Apple II assisted ignite what would become renowned as “the individual computer revolution” and push the charismatic Jobs into the spotlight. By the time IBM issued its first PC in 1981 and Commodore issued the Commodore 64 in 1982, Apple was currently hard at work on the merchandise that would cement Apple’s location in computing annals, the Macintosh.

Brazenly presented to the world in 1984 by a Super Bowl publicity administered by Ridley Scott, the Macintosh assisted set the benchmark for individual computing paradigms for the next decade.
